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With the latest launch of Chatbots like ChatGPT, a new generation of artificial intelligence is emerging. This shift brings a heightened demand for data center operators and investors to accommodate rising High Performance Computing (HPC) needs. Another critical element will be incorporating methods and strategies to improve sustainability, mitigating higher energy costs and greater demands on data center resources.

At DIAL, we recognize that now is the crucial time for investors and operators to stay ahead of emerging AI needs for both new facilities and upgraded data center operations.

The AI Challenge and the Data Center Response

Traditional data centers were not built for the immense computational demands of AI. Training these complex models requires massive datasets and specialized hardware, leading to a significant increase in server racks and more robust networking infrastructure compared to traditional data center operations.

Running these powerful AI models will also demand a drastic increase in power consumption. Data centers must find ways to meet this demand while remaining sustainable. Finally, the high-density computing environment generated by AI workloads will create immense heat, requiring innovative cooling solutions.

AI Investment Opportunities

Forward-thinking data center owners are already tackling these challenges, here is how we are helping organizations unlock AI’s profit potential:

Development Management services:

Strategic review and planning

Sustainability and energy efficiency


DIAL is your partner to deliver exceptional returns for data center investors while shaping the future of our critical industry.

Contact us today to discuss how your investment portfolio can benefit from the exciting convergence of AI, quantum computing, and next-generation data centers.

DIAL is excited to announce a significant development within the Keysource Group. On March 25th, 2024, Keysource Group, a leading specialist in data centers and critical environments, welcomed GDM Building Consultants Ltd (GDM) to the group.

GDM’s Expertise Enhances DIAL’s Client Offerings

GDM is a renowned multi-disciplinary consultancy known for its excellence in MEP engineering, sustainability and facilities management solutions. Their expertise aligns perfectly with the evolving needs of data center investors, and this acquisition strengthens DIAL’s ability to provide you with:

A Strategic Partnership for Future Success

GDM will continue to operate under its own brand, serving its existing clients. However, all companies under Keysource Group will leverage their combined resources and expertise to deliver enhanced value to all our clients.

Contact us today to find out more

At DIAL, we believe this strategic partnership positions Keysource Group as an unparalleled partner for data center investors.

Contact DIAL today to discuss how this expanded offering can inform your investment strategies and optimize your data center portfolio.

Together, we can shape the future of sustainable critical infrastructure.

In today’s investment landscape, sustainability is no longer a niche concern; it’s a driving force. Investors in Data Center (DC) operators and enterprises are increasingly prioritizing environmentally friendly practices. This shift presents a significant opportunity to improve returns, mitigate risk and create a positive impact.

At DIAL, we understand this evolving landscape. We empower DC operators and enterprises to become sustainability leaders, unlocking a powerful combination of environmental responsibility and enhanced investor value.

How DIAL Can Help You Achieve Sustainability Goals

Unlocking the Green Potential

DIAL offers a range of services to turn sustainability goals into reality. We can help you

DIAL is your partner in creating a sustainable data center ecosystem. Contact us today to discuss your specific sustainability goals and explore how DIAL can help you achieve them.

Ready to Invest in a Greener Future? Contact us today to get started.

A recent development in Virginia could significantly impact the way data centers operate and the decisions made there. Delegate Rip Sullivan of Fairfax County, recently proposed a new bill, HB 116, in the Virginia House of Delegates.

The new bill aims to significantly impact an reshape the state’s data center industry by introducing stricter energy efficiency standards.

Key Provisions of HB 116

PUE Threshold for Tax Breaks:
Data center operators seeking sales and use tax exemptions on data center purchases must achieve a Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) score of 1.2 or lower. This aligns with the industry’s best practices and incentivizes efficient operations.

Top 15% Benchmark for Mixed-Use Facilities:
Data centers within buildings with mixed commercial uses (over 20% non-data center space) must achieve an energy efficiency level ranking within the top 15% of similar buildings built in the past five years. This ensures comparable efficiency even in non-dedicated data center structures.

Renewable Energy Mandate:
By 2027, data centers must source 90% of their electricity from carbon-free renewable sources or through associated renewable energy certificates. This ambitious goal promotes sustainability and aligns with Virginia’s clean energy aspirations.

Diesel Ban for Backup Power:
The bill prohibits qualifying data centers from using diesel fuel for on-site backup power generation. This encourages adoption of cleaner alternatives like hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) or fuel cells.

Implications for Data Center Owners and Operators

Compliance Requirements:
DIAL recommends a proactive approach to assess current PUE scores and identify potential efficiency improvements to meet the 1.2 threshold. Additionally, mixed-use data centers should evaluate their energy performance against the top 15% benchmark.

Renewable Energy Procurement:
Develop strategies to procure carbon-free renewable energy or invest in renewable energy certificates to comply with the 2027 mandate. Explore options like power purchase agreements (PPAs) or on-site renewable generation.

Backup Power Alternatives:
If currently using diesel for backup power, consider transitioning to HVO or alternative technologies like fuel cells before the ban takes effect. Evaluate cost-effectiveness and feasibility of each option.

Stay Informed, Stay Proactive:

DIAL is committed to keeping our clients informed about evolving regulations and trends. This new bill signifies Virginia’s commitment to a greener data center industry, and early preparation will be key for Data Center Owners and Operators to adapt and thrive in this changing landscape. We encourage you to reach out to your DIAL representative to discuss your specific situation and develop a tailored compliance plan.

Contact us today to find out more.

Digital Infrastructure Advisors Ltd (DIAL), a leading provider of specialist data center advisory services, and part of the Keysource Group is pleased to announce its involvement in Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Management’s acquisition of a majority stake in UltraEdge, a prominent data center company.

DIAL played a key role in the transaction, providing comprehensive data center commercial, technical, development, and operational due diligence advisory services to Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners. The firm’s expertise helped Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners make an informed decision about the acquisition, ensuring that it aligned with their investment strategy and objectives.

UltraEdge, the newly established data center company, will manage a portfolio of 257 interconnected data centers, leveraging Altice’s mobile operator subsidiary SFR’s expansive fiber network. This strategic move involves the demerger of SFR’s data center operations, subject to regulatory approvals and customary conditions.

The transaction, valuing UltraEdge at €764 million, marks a significant step in establishing the first nationwide independent distributed data center operator in France. UltraEdge’s offerings will include essential data storage and connectivity services, boasting an installed capacity of over 45MW and 33,047 square meters of owned office space, interconnected via SFR’s nationwide fiber network.

Stephen Lorimer, Director at DIAL, said, “We are delighted to have been part of this landmark transaction. Our team’s deep understanding of the data center industry and our ability to provide independent, objective advice were instrumental in the success of the deal.” He added “UltraEdge is a strategically important asset in the French data center market, and we are confident that Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners will be able to capitalize on its full potential. We look forward to continuing to support them in their future endeavours.”

The acquisition of UltraEdge marks a significant step forward for Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners data center investment strategy. The company plans to leverage UltraEdge’s strong portfolio of data centers and its strategic partnership with Altice France to expand its presence in the French market.

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In an era marked by digital transformation and increasing reliance on data centers, energy efficiency has emerged as a critical concern. As a leading provider in the digital infrastructure industry, Digital Infrastructure Advisors Ltd (DIAL) recognizes the importance of keeping everyone in the United States informed about the latest regulations and requirements that impact the data center industry. We’re going to delve into the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and its implications for data centers. We will discuss what the EED means, how it affects operators and investors in the US, and what actionable steps you need to action to comply with these requirements.

What is the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED)?

The Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) is a legislative framework established by the European Union (EU) with the objective of promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. While the EED specifically applies to EU member states, its principles have influenced energy efficiency standards globally, including in the United States.

How does the EED affect operators in the US?

Although the EED is not directly applicable to the United States, its emphasis on energy efficiency has influenced best practices and regulatory efforts within the country. This has several implications for data center operators in the US, including:

Regulatory landscape: While the US does not have a direct equivalent to the EED, various federal and state regulations exist that encourage energy efficiency in data centers. Familiarizing yourself with these regulations can help data center operators in the US stay compliant and avoid potential penalties.

Operational efficiency: Implementing energy-efficient practices in data centers can significantly reduce operational costs by minimizing energy consumption. By adopting energy-efficient technologies and practices, data center operators can optimize their operations and drive cost savings.

Sustainability initiatives: There is a growing emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility within the United States. Adhering to energy efficiency requirements aligns with these sustainability goals and can enhance a data center’s reputation as an environmentally conscious organization.

What actions should you take today?

To ensure energy efficiency and align with best practices in the US data center industry, operators can take the following actions:

Stay informed about regulations: Keep abreast of federal and state regulations related to energy efficiency in data centers. Familiarize yourself with requirements, such as those outlined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or local utility incentives, and ensure compliance.

Implement energy-efficient technologies: Explore the latest advancements in data center technologies that promote energy efficiency. Consider upgrading to energy-efficient servers, cooling systems, power management tools, and intelligent monitoring systems that can help optimize energy usage.

Optimize airflow and cooling: Proper airflow management and cooling techniques are crucial for reducing energy consumption. Ensure equipment is arranged for optimal airflow, consider hot and cold aisle containment strategies, and implement efficient cooling methods like free cooling and liquid cooling where applicable.

Virtualization and consolidation: Virtualization allows for better resource utilization and consolidation of servers, reducing overall energy demand. Evaluate your data center’s virtualization potential and adopt strategies to maximize efficiency and minimize energy consumption.

Regular monitoring and maintenance: Establish a monitoring system to track energy usage and identify anomalies or areas for improvement. Implement proactive maintenance practices to ensure continuous equipment and system efficiency.

Collaborate and share knowledge: Engage with industry organizations, attend conferences, and join communities focused on energy efficiency in data centers. Collaborate with experts and share knowledge within the industry to drive collective progress toward sustainability goals.

Take Action and Partner with DIAL for Energy Efficiency in Your Data Center

For data center operators in the United States, it is crucial to prioritize energy efficiency to reduce costs, improve sustainability, and meet regulatory requirements. By staying informed about relevant regulations, implementing energy-efficient technologies, optimizing cooling strategies, and collaborating within the industry, you can make significant strides towards a greener and more efficient data center.

At Digital Infrastructure Advisors Ltd (DIAL), we understand the complexities of the data center industry and can provide you with tailored solutions to enhance energy efficiency in your operations. Our experts can assist you in conducting energy audits, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing cutting-edge technologies to optimize energy usage.

Don’t navigate the path to energy efficiency alone. Get in touch with DIAL today to discuss how we can support your data center’s compliance with energy efficiency regulations, drive operational efficiency, and contribute to a more sustainable future. Together, we can achieve a greener, more cost-effective, and environmentally responsible data center industry.

Contact us today to get started.

As summer approaches, data center operators in the US face significant challenges in maintaining their cooling systems to keep their infrastructure running smoothly.

Past heatwaves have exposed vulnerabilities, leading to breaches in service level agreements and costly outages. With predictions of another hot summer, it’s crucial to take immediate action with DIAL to protect your data center and ensure uninterrupted operations.

Your Essential Defense Against Thermal Runaway

DIAL have powerful solutions that identifies and mitigate thermal issues before they can impact your data center’s performance. Data shows that thermal problems contribute to nearly one-third of data center outages. We can help you gain the ability to proactively safeguard your critical infrastructure, providing peace of mind during the upcoming sweltering months.

Rapid Deployment – Act Before the Heatwave Hits

The time for action is now. Our streamlined deployment process allows for quick integration into your data center within weeks. Our solution seamlessly integrates with your existing Building Management System (BMS) or Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) tools, empowering you to take a proactive approach against thermal challenges and ensure the resilience of your data center.

Reduce Cooling Energy Consumption, Costs, and Carbon Footprint

At DIAL, we are committed to driving sustainability and cost savings in the data center industry. We can help you identify areas for cooling improvements, significantly reducing energy consumption and costs. By embracing our solution, you optimize cooling efficiency while making a positive impact on your carbon footprint and fulfilling your environmental, social, and governance (ESG) commitments.

Immediate Impact with Rapid ROI

We understand the importance of delivering tangible results quickly. By partnering with DIAL, you can expect a typical return on investment in less than 12 months. Within a few weeks, our platform generates actionable recommendations for cooling improvements, enabling you to swiftly take corrective measures and bring your operations within compliance with service level agreements.

Take Action Now and Secure the Resilience of Your Data Center

Don’t let the summer heatwave catch you off guard. Take action now to fortify your data center against thermal runaway and potential outages.

Contact our team today to discover how we can revolutionize your cooling management strategy and ensure uninterrupted operations throughout the upcoming summer.