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Supporting the complete data center lifecycle

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With an extensive background in the data center and telecommunications industry, DIAL is well positioned to provide advice to support existing technical facilities and next generation Edge, 5G, smart buildings, IoT and automation for business critical environments.

Adopting a ‘strategy first’ approach allows us to fully understand our clients’ business drivers. We are able to effectively align resources to deliver business objectives thereby providing continuity of approach, governance and oversight.

Supporting client teams with specialist expertise

DIAL works alongside our clients’ finance, property, technical and business teams to provide a coordinated multi-disciplinary service ranging from strategic advice, technical services and fully funded operations.

This allows us to manage, plan, grow, fund, design, consolidate, optimize and dispose of facilities of all sizes and complexity in the digital infrastructure sector.

View our Services

We are leaders in the digital infrastructure sector

Our founders have extensive experience in successful business operations and international commercial property, combined with technical expertise from the data center and telecommunications industry.

We bring together world class talent through our talent development programs, advisory board and community of experts and partners to support both long-term assignments and project cycles.

Meet Our People

Ready for a Consultation?

Contact us today to receive actionable insights and expert support for your data center project